Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nellie's first Photo shoot

So I've had my camera for almost a year now and you'd think that I'd be really better at using it. Well It's harder than it looks. I must have taken a million pictures to get a few good ones. But she is so cute it was fun taking them and even more fun when I got some good ones.



Lisa said...

So cute! Congratulations!
From Lisa (Steven's cousin)

Chelsea said...

She is so beautiful, I especially like the first photo! I hope all is going well and that Jace is being helpful to the new mommy-of-two!

Alicia Phelps said...

Aww,Mindy! Nellie is so beautiful! You did such a great job! I hope she is being a good little girl for you.

EmilyLemily said...

She is adorable!! I can't wait to meet her! :)

Amy F. said...

Mindy!!! Its Amy Fetter! I just found your blog through my sister in law, Shara Hancock... what is the connection?
So exciting!! Congrats on little Nellie! She is a doll.
I can't wait to get all our little 'Cooper Ward' baby girls together!

Cecily said...

Hey Mindy I have been hearing you have a blog but never seemed to remember to ask you about it and then I found it on Natalie F. blog. Hope you are doing good. I was going to ivite Jace over to play one day last week but Clara and Joe got sick. Let me know if you need anything else. And Nellie is so way too cute in those pics!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures, I'm stealing a few for my blog. Thanks.
